Under the Canopy

Under the Canopy


‘Under the Canopy’ - 11x14” Acrylic on canvas (1.5” deep) with painted sides

There is nothing like strolling down the streets of the West Village in the early days of summer. Leafy shadows cover the city streets. Your eyes adjust to the dappled light as the majestic brownstones take shape underneath the high canopy. It is a different world than it was just five steps back. This world is secret—buzzing with the electricity of all who have lived here before. You feel the air on your skin, hear the rustling of leaves, and see pure city summer magic.

Artist statement for SUMMER SHADOWS:

I have always been intrigued by shadows—summer shadows in particular. I remember learning that when my grandma started her career at Disney Studios, her first job was to paint the animated character’s shadows on individual cels. I thought this was so cool—she had to figure out where the light was coming from and paint each one precisely. It’s something no one would ever really notice, and yet in reality, shadows are an integral part of every landscape and scene.

Summer shadows seem to hold more weight and depth than their winter counterparts—besides the obvious cooling shelter they provide from the summer sun, they can be soft and sultry or dark and mysterious. When you step into the filtered shadows of leafy trees or a city skyline, it is almost like entering another world—an alternate summer.

This series explores the locales of Montana, New York City, Lake Tahoe, and San Diego, as I referenced my own photographs from summer days and recent travels in these places.

I hope these pieces evoke childhood memories of endless warm days by the water or the sharp heat and cooling relief of a summer’s day in the city.

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